Karma Drinks Impact Report 2023 Cover
Karma Drinks Impact Report 2023 spread 2


Inspiring and environmentally conscious soft drinks brand, Karma Drinks, commissioned Insight Media Productions to help with their video and graphic design output for two recent campaigns. The first and largest, was to design their 2023 Impact Report. Karma is a multinational, with offices in New Zealand, UK and Seirra Leone. They have a truly global impact and wanted their Impact Report to reflect that. Each territory had it's own projects and goals which they asked to have a specific identity in terms of design. We were also asked to speak in their unique design language whilst feeling fresh and new to those familiar with the brand. This Impact Report was printed as a 20 page A4 booklet to be distributed at trade shows and sent to the press.

The second campaign was designed to make use of existing video assets filmed in Seirra Leone by local videographers. The Karma Foundation makes a huge difference to the lives of women in the communities that grow the Cola nuts used in the signature Karma Cola. They provide bursaries for education, access to affordable finance for entrepreneurs and support the local leaders in building more prosperous communities. Karma wanted to tie in this impact within the wider context of International Womens Day 2024. The restaurant chain LEON, who use Karma Drinks as their in-store sodas, wanted to collaborate with for IWD 2024 on a separate post that we shot and directed.

The media was displayed on both Karma and LEON's social media earlier this year. The Impact Report will be in use until 2025.






4x Instagram Reels/Tiktoks edits

Graphic Design

Motion Graphics


Celebrate The Karma Foundation

Demonstrate The Positive Impact For Women In Seirra Leone

Tie In Karma Foundation With International Womens Day

Show How Karma Drinks & LEON Collaborate On Charity Initiatives

IMPACT REPORT 2023 - Industry Report Demonstrating Karma As A Brand